24 Technology Trends for 2024 and Beyond
By: TextSpeakPro Editorial Staff
Published: 2024-05-20

We have separated 24 technology trends that could remain on the minds of tech junkies in the same way that generative artificial intelligence has been a part of people’s daily lives over the past year.
1. Quantum computing
Composing aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics, quantum computing uses mechanics to solve more complex problems even faster. Optimization and simulation of physical systems, machine learning and a high level of technological development are some of the uses of quantum computing.
2. Green technology
Thinking about improving the environment before it is too late, green technology has proven to be an interesting path for companies and professionals. Also known as “Green IT”, this trend brings the concept that it is possible to innovate in the technological world responsibly and still contribute ecologically. Carbon reduction, for example, is one of its highlights.
3. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
This technology uses different robots to automate repetitive and manual tasks and is increasingly becoming a trend followed by many companies. In this way, relatively simple activities, such as clicking, typing, and reading screens, are now carried out by “robots” to improve efficiency and reduce common errors.
4. Platform Engineering
The so-called “platform engineering”, or “platform engineering” in a free translation, has emerged as a fundamental point in approaching strategies in software development. It is focused on creating and maintaining robust platforms for use by developers, bringing simplicity and optimization to the workflow.
5. Better and more powerful batteries
Numerous companies have been investing in resources to improve the performance of device batteries, such as smartphones and tablets. This is an ongoing effort, which promises to stand out in 2024. The objective is quite clear: to increase the durability of batteries to keep gadgets and vehicles running for longer.
6. Semiconductors to increasingly unify
This one’s easy: without semiconductors, there are virtually no consumer technology products today. With this in mind, the industry has been working to improve performance and accelerate digital transformation. This way, more objects will be able to connect in a single ecosystem, from cell phones to data centers. In 2024, investments and studies in the area are expected to increase even further.
7. Apple Vision Pro
For fans of virtual reality and the all-powerful Apple, the long-awaited device will hit stores in 2024. The gadget promises a unique experience in VR and AR, offering developers and consumers a leap forward in the industry. On the other hand, the Apple Vision Pro’s price of US$3,499 (just over R$17,000 in a direct conversion) may put many people off.
8. Cell phones with rollable screen
A new line of smartphones should appear this New Year. Following a trend in technology, several companies are working on cell phones with a rollable screen. This means that the panel can be rolled towards the back of the device, making it smaller or larger, depending on the user’s needs.
9. Samsung Smart Ring
Trends in consumer technology for 2024 still promise to bring Samsung, a South Korean brand, to the smart rings market. The smart ring offers features such as mobile payments, gesture control, and activity tracking. According to several sources, the company is expected to launch its first model in the coming months.
10. Foldable tablets, finally!
Foldable screens on cell phones are already quite common in the industry, but tablets have not yet gained this feature. Fortunately, everything indicates that 2024 will be the debut year. This is because giant brands such as Samsung, Apple, and Google are expected to announce their mobile devices with folding screens this year. 
TV sets have been gaining different panels with each new iteration. In 2024, PHOLED technology, which means phosphorescent OLED, should be present in brands such as LG and Samsung. This improvement in technology promises much more energy efficiency and possibly better brightness as well. Therefore, we can understand that in addition to providing more beautiful images, the electricity bill should also be lower with the use of these TVs.
12. Samsung S24 and iPhone 16
A new year begins, and we can be certain that new smartphone models will follow. Samsung is expected to release the Galaxy S24, a top-of-the-line phone with Qualcomm’s strong chipset, in shops in early 2024. Apple is likely to unveil the successor to the iPhone 15 in the second part of the year, but the device should receive widespread attention. Which one would you like on your list?
13. Nintendo Switch 2 is coming!
The resounding success of Nintendo’s current console is indisputable. However, signs are emerging that a successor is preparing to emerge. Still without an official name, the “Switch 2” promises to follow the same foundations as its predecessor. In other words, it should offer gameplay in a hybrid format, in addition to cartridges and a retro platform for fans. The main question that makes people scratch their heads is whether or not the video game will be backward compatible.
14. Smart applications
Comprising several services based on artificial intelligence, the so-called “intelligent applications” include intelligence as a competency. The goal is to deliver experiences that dynamically adapt to the user. This way, the work can be improved and, consequently, optimized on a larger scale.
15. Machine clients
Companies have already started testing “machine customers”, robots capable of negotiating and purchasing goods and services autonomously. According to studies, by 2028 the industry will have more than 15 million connected products that will be able to behave like clients. Experts believe that starting next year, this trend will begin to become a reality.
16. Cloud for everyone
Cloud storage is something that has been growing steadily for a long time. However, many believe that 2024 will bring the service popular on several fronts. The idea is to accelerate business initiatives in the area, which in 2023 covered only 15%. Thus, industrial cloud platforms (ICPs) will be able to combine SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS solutions to improve the business data structure, reaching more users in the process.
17. Smart cities
This is more of a technology trend bet than a reality. With the evolution of 5G and artificial intelligence, we could see the birth of smart cities in 2024. This means that locations would have a complete connection with robots, from cell phones to autonomous cars. However, this new development would not be complete within the next 12 months.
18. Remote patient monitoring
Online chats with your doctor are already widespread but many health professionals feel they can be taken a step further. Doctors will be able to monitor patients remotely using AI and network connections, eliminating the need for them to visit hospitals. The goal is to enhance everything in the patient’s life, including professional treatments.
19. Technological health garments
Still, in the artificial intelligence and healthcare environment, the industry should test clothing with devices that monitor the physical state of patients. These garments will use AI algorithms to prevent diseases of various types. Experts believe that sensors will develop further, facilitating the diagnosis and treatment of numerous illnesses.
20. Drones in the skies
With each passing day, drones become even more of a reality for the common consumer. In about 18 months, we went from military use to store shelves. With this in mind, the industry is excited to make new options available this year. So, don’t be alarmed if you start to see companies and users enjoying drones in the skies more frequently.
21. (Even) more powerful GPUs
As usual, 2024 should bring new generations of GPUs that are even more powerful than the previous ones. For example, Nvidia revealed plans to launch a series of new processors that will emphasize data center efficiency. Everything indicates that this year will bring an unprecedented leap in the power of graphics cards and microchips. The question is always the same: how much will this cost the consumer?
22. Augmented reality glasses
Many experts believe that 2024 will be the biggest year for augmented reality glasses. So far, these gadgets have not caught on with the masses, targeting niches of technology enthusiasts. However, brands like Samsung may announce their copies in the coming months, highlighting the accessory. The feeling of many people in the industry is that this year will be “make or break”.
23. Extended reality
Bringing together all the technologies that simulate reality in some way, such as VR, AR, and MR, its objective is to remove the barriers of the real and the virtual, placing the user base in a single place. Game fans, doctors, and consumers are some of the main targets of this new development that is expected to hit in 2024. People will be able to use technologies in general, without worrying about leaving one place to go to another.
24. Datafication
To sum it up simply: datafication is the transformation of our lives into devices and software based on digital data. As a result, human tasks will be driven by technology, from smartphones to industrial machines. Of course, this is expected to exponentially increase the need for IT professionals, engineers, technical administrators, etc.