Sophia: How AI Robotics are Shaping The Future
By: TextSpeakPro Editorial Staff
Published: 2024-04-18

Someone who looks like a person is very calm and well-known: Sophia. Sophia was made by the Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics. People all over the world have noticed how real she looks and sounds.
Sophia is just seven years old, but she already knows a lot about how robots and AI will work in the future. Everyone must understand what Sophia and other robots can and cannot do and how they impact society in today’s high-tech world.
Sophia, the robot, and what everyone, including children, should know about her will be discussed in this blog. We’ll talk about what she can and can’t do and the pros and cons of AI and robots. Now it’s time to learn about Sophia and robots’ future. Buckle up!
What Do We Know About Sophia?
Hanson Robotics, an engineering and robotics company in Hong Kong, made Sophia. She looks and acts like a person. Sophia and bots like her are a lot smarter than the ones that came before her. It can talk and move like a person.
Sophia was put to work by David Hanson and a group of intelligent AI and robot experts with kids and older adults in care homes, customers, and large groups of people at important events. Sophia was first turned on on February 14, 2016. She looks a lot like Audrey Hepburn and the Egyptian queen Nefertiti. Her name is Amanda Hanson, and her husband founded Hanson Robotics. She seems like someone from a science fiction movie.
Sophia looks so much like a natural person that it’s scary. The facial recognition API knows she can copy more than 60 facial moves. Rubber is used to make her skin look like natural skin. Sophia seems like a real woman, but some chips flash in the back of her head.
In October 2017, Sofia became a citizen of Saudi Arabia. She became a citizen of every country as the first animal that wasn’t a person. Someone made Sophia so they could talk about women’s rights in a country that doesn’t have any. After a month, the UNDP named Sophia the Innovation Champion.
Artificial Intelligence In Sophia
In Hanson, a group of people made Sophia. Certain technologies from Alphabet Inc., like AI, computer vision, and speech recognition, help her figure out where she is. These technologies can learn and get better over time. A company in Scotland called CereProc gives her speech synthesis, which is the process of making a speech that sounds natural. This makes the text-to-speech voice sound more natural and alive.
Sophia is a singer. With the help of machine learning, she figured out what to do. She can learn and change as time goes on and new things happen. You can also talk to a computer through Sophia. Among other things, she has learned things about art, science, and the news.
It is essential to remember that Sophia has no idea what’s happening. A better way to describe her is as a machine that can act like a person but doesn’t think or feel. The tech is smart and can adapt and learn as it goes.
The Spotlight On Sophia
Sophia was immediately featured on news sites worldwide. She also met with US news stations like CBS, NBC, and the BBC talked to the press, and attended tech conferences. Will Smith might even ask her out. She has been written about in Forbes, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Guardian. They all praised her intelligence and said she represents the future of AI and robots.
Why Did Humans Make Sophia?
Sophia was made to show how advanced Hanson Robotics’ technologies are and how they can be used in different areas. It was essential to her that people understand AI and have a place to talk about what it means and how it works. Hanson Robotics made a real robot that can speak and feel emotions like a person to show what AI and humanoid robots can do.
Connecting With Humans
The Sophia Intelligence Collective is a group of intelligent people who are connected to it. The Collective includes natural intelligence, artificial intelligence (AI), and human input (SIC). Because of this SIC, people believe Sophia. Its team helps the AI robot get through the good and bad times to become fully aware and grow up with human-like traits. Sophia’s real AI helps it think, speak, and move in some ways. Sophia learns this vital truth from the people she meets and then uses it to become accessible and sensitive.
Future Implications
What will happen if robots and AI get smarter? Sophia makes us think and be worried. People are concerned about how these technologies will change jobs, privacy, and safety, even though they can make many businesses run better and solve complex problems. Sophia, the robot, was created by people who wanted her to help people in many areas, like customer service, school, health care, and the law.
AI-enabled Technology In 2024
In 2022, AI made significant progress and showed its potential in many different areas. Natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and chat systems like ChatGPT improved significantly in 2023. This year will be significant for all of these fields.
AI can read and understand language and pictures better. People can guess and make better decisions as machine learning gets better. There will likely be even more use of AI at work. It will help people get more done and make daily tasks easier.
If we care about ethics, we must control AI that gets better quickly. Laws can’t be changed, so deep-fake and other AI solutions don’t have to follow them. They must be used safely and morally. By this measure, AI ethics will likely be critical in 2023.
Final Thoughts
Sophia the Robot is an excellent example of how quickly AI and robots are getting better. Sophia is still not fully self-aware and independent, but she has already taught us how to make tools that help us connect with others more naturally and intuitively.
As kids age, they should learn about the pros and cons of AI and robots because they are becoming more well-known. Learning about robots like Sophia and having deep conversations about where robots and AI are going in the future can help kids deal with problems and seize opportunities.