The Complete Guide to Being a Software Developer
By: TextSpeakPro Editorial Staff
Published: 2024-04-10

We have prepared a complete guide on a career as a software developer. You will understand what this professional does, what technical knowledge he needs to have, how much he earns, etc. In addition, of course, to tips on becoming one.
What does a software developer do? The software developer is responsible for creating, maintaining, and improving the most diverse types of software — all programs made to run on computers, cell phones, and other devices capable of running them.
And how do they do it?
Developing programming codes, of course.
You know that website you visit so much? The app you spend hours on? There’s a software dev behind them, you bet.
Therefore, without a doubt, this is an essential profession for any company with minimal involvement with technology, and, consequently, one of the most promising professions.
Or do you think that companies that choose to stay away from technology will survive? Not a chance.
Presence in the virtual world and digital culture have become vital points for most businesses. Therefore, having software developers in the company — or at its disposal, even if just for a specific project, as occurs in the outsourcing hiring model — has also become fundamental. In medium and large companies, for example, it is normal for there to be several software devs in the squad. Sometimes more than 10! In addition to creating and improving systems, they also constantly test to avoid failures and correct any problems.
It is worth mentioning that the field of activity of this type of professional is extremely broad, going far beyond companies operating in the technological sector. Technical assistance, consultancies, NGOs, public sector companies, startups… Everyone needs them!
Work fronts of a software developer
A software developer can develop his craft on 3 fronts, roughly speaking.
Dev front-end
Do you know what part of the websites and apps you see? The part you interact with? That’s what they develop. It’s that simple.
Dev backend
As you may already be guessing, the back-end dev is responsible for creating and maintaining the parts of websites and apps that you don’t see, such as data storage, security, and other server functions.
Full-stack dev
Professionals who work in this type of front have front and back skills. Therefore, they usually receive better salaries. Instead of hiring two people for a project, the company can opt for a full-stack.
How much does a software developer earn?
This remuneration might reach $10,000.00 each month depending on the organization and project.
According to Indeed, the average compensation for a software developer in the United States is roughly $125,760.00 per year or $8,904.00 per month.
Companies like Apple and Visa, for example, provide above-average wages of $11,751.00 and $10,901.00, respectively.
How to become a software developer?
First of all, you can’t think about becoming a software developer without liking the exact sciences of computing and information technology.
If you don’t like these areas, then it’s not for you. Point. Don’t even waste your time.
However, choosing a suitable bachelor’s degree course is an excellent first step if you like it.
There is also the option of technology courses, usually lasting between 2 and 3 years. Below are some courses that can help you start your journey in the area.
- Software Engineering
- Computer engineering
- Information Technology Management
- Computer network
- Information security
- Information systems
- Analysis and systems development
- Computer science
And what are the most requested languages in the area?
As in other areas of technology, the software developer must know certain programming languages.
The most sought after by companies that need this type of professional are:
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- W#
- Linux
- DevOps
But anyone who thinks that software developers only need hard skills to achieve success is mistaken. None of that!
After all, in addition to living in front of machines and technologies, they also need to deal with multidisciplinary teams, which requires them to know how to work in groups and have, among other things, good communication skills, adaptability, and emotional intelligence.
Although the technical part can never be left aside and needs to be kept constantly updated, looking for ways to develop soft skills is essential, especially for those who aim for management positions in which they can be even more decisive regarding the selection process.