Cloud Storage and its Advantages for Your Company

By: TextSpeakPro Editorial Staff

Published: 2024-06-01

a modern building with red, orange, and blue panels with a large white cloud above it against a blue sky

In this article, we will help you understand what cloud storage means and discover some of the many advantages this technology can offer your business.

What is cloud storage?

Services such as Google Drive, iCloud, and OneDrive are already part of the daily lives of many people worldwide. Even so, a significant portion of the population still does not know how to explain cloud storage — also known as cloud storage.

Is this your case? If so, don’t worry! It’s not a big deal, after all. On the contrary: cloud storage, roughly speaking, is the act of storing files on a hard disk (HD) outside your machine, which you can access via the internet.

In some cases, your files will even be stored on different continents from yours. Quite far away, if you just think about it from a geographical point of view, but easily accessed with half a dozen clicks, or not even that.

Companies that provide cloud storage services, like Google, have servers responsible for creating connections between personal devices and data centers — locations spread across the globe with impressive levels of physical and digital security.

All this talk sounds like something out of futuristic science fiction, right? But be aware that the term “cloud” has been used as a metaphor for the internet since the last century, around the 70s. There are many old drawings and diagrams, in which the internet was represented by the icon of a cloud.

But what about the future of cloud storage?

For more than obvious reasons, such as freeing up physical space, ease of access, and security, the tendency is for cloud storage to become increasingly popular, part of the immense list of tech tools that people can no longer do without. More like living.

Never has so much content been produced in humanity, right? Just think about the amount of photos and videos you’ve taken and recorded in the last year. In recent weeks, even devices with a lot of memory are not doing the job, making cloud storage services increasingly in demand. And this growing demand for virtual deposits will naturally force companies that offer this type of service to look for ways to become even more competitive. Especially in the 2 main attributes of this type of service: price and speed.

The company that can provide greater speed at the lowest price will shine brightest in consumers’ eyes. This is more than obvious. But there is another point that continues to evolve to make this type of service more attractive: security.

Today everything is about data. There are no bigger diamonds for most businesses. And the tendency, of course, is that shortly data will gain even more value.

Therefore, companies that prove capable of protecting them more securely will remain ahead of the competition. Mainly protect against ransomware, a type of malware that kidnaps data and then asks for a ransom to return access to the victim.

And for companies, what are the advantages of cloud storage?

Cost reduction

Migrating your company’s system and content to the cloud helps you eliminate hardware and maintenance costs. Cutting these expenses and salaries for services you will no longer need will guarantee significant savings, you can bet. Not to mention that the cloud storage model tends to increase productivity, increasing your earning potential even further.

Simplification of structural needs

All you will need is a room with a computer and an internet connection. Nothing but!

By eliminating the need for physical space for server hardware, there is also an end to the need for maintenance and employees focused on keeping your data safe and your server active.


No matter how secure your office is, even if it has cameras and electric fences, data centers have a higher level of security. Not only that: but to avoid losses, your data is often backed up across multiple servers. Therefore, if you crash one of them, which is possible — although not often — you still keep everything.

Full mobility

Before, when cloud storage wasn’t yet a possibility, people were even able to work outside the office. But everything was more difficult and risky: in addition to the imminent chance of losing their work on the way back to the company, due to theft or any damage to the machine, for example, they needed to return to the workplace to share with those involved in the project the latest version of files, especially those too large to be sent by email.

Cloud storage has made it much easier for people who are geographically distant to work together. Just place the files in the cloud and everyone can access them simultaneously, even if they are many kilometers away from each other.


Cloud storage allows you to only pay for what you use, as you use it.

There is no need to try to predict how much storage space you will need in a year and this way you avoid the risk of paying for unused space. Or worse: running out.

You only pay for the space you need at the moment, and, as your needs change, you adjust. Simple and practical. Scalable.

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